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From Entry-Level to VP: Building a Lifelong Fisher Career

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“There are so many fantastic people at Fisher, and they are all willing to help and mentor when you need it. I would not be where I am today without them.”
Fisher Investments
Kirsten F. is busy building and enjoying a lifelong Fisher career! She joined the firm in 2014 as a Regional Sales Associate and is now the Vice President of Regional Sales Associates. Over nine years, she has held five different roles ranging from client operations, to training and development, to people management. Learn more about her Fisher career, and the resources and support that helped her chart a unique course.

How did you first hear about Fisher, and what made you decide to apply for a job here?

Truthfully, my original plan was to go to law school and utilize my master’s degree in business from the University of Florida to change Wall Street. When I was required to attend a career fair during that program, I ran into Fisher’s booth and learned that the company has the same goal but through a different avenue. Seeing that, along with how innovative and merit-based the company is, made me decide to take the leap. It was a big decision to pursue this opportunity because I was in Florida and Fisher was a West Coast company at the time. The firm has since grown into a global organization and we even have a Florida office!

What do you like the most about your job and working at Fisher?

I love that the company listens to its employees and is open to change in the pursuit of doing something better. We believe there is always opportunity to improve how we operate. Employees are enabled to be innovative and bring forth ideas. That innovative spirit has led to the creation of new positions, departments, and concepts, all of which we have the ability to become a part of or even drive forward.

Share your Fisher career path and highlights of your achievements.

I began as a Regional Sales Associate, then moved into a training role. I had the opportunity to build out or redesign more than 10 Fisher training programs, some of which were brand new, such as a Career Exploration Program and a Core Onboarding Program for my business unit – the US Private Client Group. I was able to assemble the first centralized training and development team under my business unit, where I gained people management experience. The opportunity also helped me gain exposure to many different types of roles and skillsets, and helped me branch into client interactions and events. Training gave me a well-rounded view of how the firm operates, and I was able to take that back to the Regional Sales Associate group, where I now oversee its direction and strategy as the Vice President of Regional Sales Associates.

How has Fisher supported your growth and development?

There are so many fantastic people here at Fisher, and they are all willing to help and mentor when you need it. I would not be where I am today without them, and I appreciate that we are a company that fosters collaboration and support. We can all find success here, and we genuinely want that for others. In addition to the people, we offer many programs that can help you develop. I have participated in firm-wide competitions to push my development, joined classes on Excel, and booked time with Career Counselors to gain formal insights. All of these resources are available and helpful to employees as they build unique Fisher careers.

What makes Fisher a great place to work and grow a long-term career?

Fisher is a meritocracy that doesn’t limit you based on your college degree or prior experience. Here, you can start as an entry-level employee and work your way to many different departments and positions at the firm. The fact that I have held five different positions in nine years really speaks to that, and I learned so much from each of them. As long as you put in the work, you can see real reward.

What would you share with others who are interested in working at Fisher?

Don’t be afraid of something you haven’t tried before or feel you don’t have experience in. One of the best pieces of advice I have received while working here is that being uncomfortable is actually a good thing because it’s how you grow. We supply the training to allow someone to be successful here at Fisher, so take that leap and apply for a job!
